What to Wear on a Cruise: Dress Code Guidelines

Written By Cruise Admin

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Going on a cruise is an exciting experience that requires a lot of preparation, especially when it comes to packing. One of the most important aspects of packing for a cruise is ensuring that you have appropriate clothing for the different occasions on board. Cruise dress codes can vary depending on the cruise line and occasion, making it challenging to know what to wear. In this article, we will provide comprehensive dress code guidelines for different cruise lines and occasions, packing tips for cruise attire, understanding formal nights, dress code faux pas to avoid, and a conclusion with final tips and advice for packing for a cruise.

Dress Code Guidelines for Different Cruise Lines and Occasions

Knowing the dress code guidelines for different cruise lines and occasions is crucial when packing for a cruise. Not adhering to the dress code can result in being denied entry to certain areas of the ship, which can put a damper on your cruise experience. Here are the various dress codes to keep in mind:

Casual Attire

Casual attire is typically what you would wear during the day while exploring the ship or during a casual dinner. This can include shorts, t-shirts, sundresses, and sandals. However, it’s important to note that some cruise lines may not allow shorts or sandals in certain dining areas.

Smart Casual Attire

Smart casual attire is what you would wear to a nice restaurant. This can include slacks, collared shirts, blouses, skirts, and dresses. Jeans, shorts, and athletic wear are typically not allowed.

Resort Casual Attire

Resort casual attire is a step up from smart casual attire. This is typically what you would wear to a fancy restaurant or on a formal night. This can include semi-formal dresses, blazers, dress pants, and dress shoes. However, suits and ties are not required.

Formal Attire

Formal attire is reserved for formal nights, which usually occur once or twice during the cruise. This can include cocktail dresses, suits, and ties for men. Some cruise lines may require a tuxedo or evening gown for women.

Black-Tie Attire

Black-tie attire is typically required on formal nights for luxury cruise lines. This can include black-tie dresses for women, tuxedos for men, and formal accessories.

White-Tie Attire

White-tie attire is the most formal dress code and is typically reserved for special occasions on luxury cruise lines. This can include floor-length gowns for women and white tie and tails for men.

Packing Tips for Cruise Attire

Packing for a cruise can be overwhelming, especially when considering the different dress codes. Here are some packing tips to keep in mind:

Research the Cruise Line’s Policy

It’s important to research the cruise line’s dress code policy before packing for your trip. This will give you a better understanding of what to wear for each occasion and can prevent any surprises when you arrive at the ship.

Consider the Destination and Activities

It’s important to consider the destination and activities when packing for a cruise. If you plan on going on excursions or doing physical activities, make sure to bring comfortable clothing and shoes.

Pack Mix-and-Match Outfits

Packing mix-and-match outfits can save space in your luggage and provide versatility for different occasions. Consider bringing clothing that can easily transition from day to night.

Don’t Forget the Accessories

Accessories can make a huge difference in elevating an outfit. Consider bringing jewelry, scarves, and belts to accessorize your outfits.

Consider Laundry Services

Most cruise ships offer laundry services for a fee. This can be a great option if you don’t want to pack a lot of clothing or want to refresh your outfits throughout the trip.

Understanding Formal Nights

What are Formal Nights?

Formal nights are special evenings on the ship where guests are encouraged to dress up. These typically occur once or twice during the cruise and can vary in dress code depending on the cruise line.

What to Wear on Formal Nights

For formal nights, it’s important to wear appropriate attire. This can include cocktail dresses, suits, and ties for men. Some cruise lines may require a tuxedo or evening gown for women.

Alternatives to Formal Nights

If you don’t want to participate in formal nights, there are alternative dining options available on the ship that don’t have a dress code.

Tips for Enjoying Formal Nights

Formal nights can be an enjoyable experience. Consider taking photos, attending events, and enjoying a fancy meal with loved ones.

Dress Code Faux Pas to Avoid

When packing for a cruise, it’s important to avoid dress code faux pas. Here are some things to keep in mind:

Wearing Inappropriate Clothing

Wearing inappropriate clothing can result in being denied entry to certain areas of the ship. Make sure to research the dress code policy to ensure you’re wearing appropriate attire.

Dressing Too Casual

Dressing too casual can be disrespectful to other guests and can also result in being denied entry to certain areas of the ship.

Overly Revealing Clothing

Overly revealing clothing can be inappropriate for certain areas of the ship. It’s important to dress tastefully and respectfully.

Wearing Ill-Fitting Clothing

Wearing ill-fitting clothing can be uncomfortable and can also be unflattering.

Failing to Dress for the Occasion

Failing to dress for the occasion can result in being denied entry to certain areas of the ship. Make sure to research the dress code policy and pack accordingly.


Recap of Dress Code Guidelines

Packing for a cruise can be challenging, especially when considering the different dress codes. It’s important to research the dress code policy and pack accordingly to avoid any dress code faux pas. Here’s a recap of the dress code guidelines:

  • Casual Attire
  • Smart Casual Attire
  • Resort Casual Attire
  • Formal Attire
  • Black-Tie Attire
  • White-Tie Attire

Final Tips and Advice for Packing for a Cruise

When packing for a cruise, it’s important to consider the destination and activities, pack mix-and-match outfits, bring accessories, and research the dress code policy. Don’t forget to enjoy formal nights and avoid dress code faux pas by dressing appropriately for each occasion.

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